TIPP-KICK is played professionally too – including national league

North – South – West – East or SpVgg Balltick Kiel, Oberbayern München, TKC Mönchengladbach HB 03, SpVgg Halbau Berlin are the names of the TIPP-KICK clubs formed within and across Germany’s regions. Around 50 clubs currently take part in the league and cup matches of the German TIPP-KICK Association (DTKV). Just like the greats.

Divided up into a total of four sections, the first Bundesliga plays across sections. What FC Bayern München represent in the Bundesliga, BW Concordia Lübeck stand for in the TIPP-KICK Bundesliga, with a record-holding 12 titles won since the league’s founding in 1973. Traditionally, teams from the far North have been at the top. TFG Hildesheim, founded in 1938, dominated the league in the 1970s and won the first four titles in a row. Berlin Clubs like SpVgg Halbau, BTV 1962 Berlin and TFC Eintracht Rehberge followed them in securing the top spot on the podium. The first championship to go to southern Germany was a victory for SSG Stuttgart in 1979. Established teams like TKC Hirschlanden and TKC Gallus Frankfurt would later also take the crown. But the sub-leagues also fit within the national operation, with the second national leagues (Northeast/Southwest), the regionals (North/South/East/West) and the association leagues (North/South/West) all organised within the respective individual sections.

Before the start of the league competition, there were already single championships. In 1959, Manfred Wilksch (TFG 38 Hildesheim) secured the first national title on the green felt.

All games are played on the official TIPP-KICK tournament table, which prevents any slippage of the playing field. The material, which is used by players in the DTKV tournaments and in league matches, is significantly different to that used in the standard game. The metal figures are slightly modified, as are the goalkeepers, the goal and the clock. The principal of the game, though, remains the same. You can find out more about the playing field construction and equipment for “pros” on the homepage of the German TIPP-KICK Association.

The German TIPP-KICK Association has its headquarters in Munich. You can find information at http://www.deutscher-tipp-kick-verband.de/.

In Switzerland, single and team tournaments have been played since 1981. More information about this can be found at http://www.tippkick.ch .